Best Supplements For Muscle Gain – Part 1

By: JohnBarnes

In recent articles, we’ve covered quite a bit about nutrition. At this point, you might be wondering about supplements more specifically. You might even have questions like:

  • Do you need supplements?
  • Do supplements work?
  • Are supplements safe?
  • What are the best supplements for muscle gain?
  • Do You Need Supplements For Muscle Gain or Weight Loss?

Here’s the short answer: No.

You can lose weight and gain muscle without them. However, that doesn’t mean that supplements aren’t helpful. And that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take them. It just means that they aren’t 100% necessary.

Now let me be clear about something. When I’m referring to supplements, I’m referring to 100% legal dietary supplements and similar items. For example, whey protein is a common bodybuilding supplement, and one that you’ll likely find useful as well.

I am NOT, however, referring to illegal supplements like steroids or banned diet pills. Those sorts of supplements come with a lot of nasty side effects. For example, those who don’t know what they’re doing with steroids may have to deal with nasty side effects like rage (‘roid rage), the development of “man boobs,” acne, liver problems, baldness, sterility… and the list goes on.

Point is, we’re not going to deal with those types of supplements. And you don’t want them anyway, since you’re not going for the look where your arms are bigger than most people’s thighs. You want to attract women, not have them running away, screaming in horror!

Instead, we’ll focus on dietary supplements. But here’s the thing…

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Before you even start thinking about supplements to gain muscle or lose weight, you need to get your nutrition in order. If you’re not eating a good balance of protein, carbohydrates and essential fatty acids, then there’s no need for you to supplement. You might even be throwing your money away if you’re supplementing but not eating right.

So clean up your diet and seek out healthy food first… then later you can think about supplements.

  • Are Supplements Magic Bullets?

No. Supplements of any kind don’t work unless you do!

Sure, the ads on TV tell a different story. For example, just start paying attention to all those weight loss pills. Here you have people with toned, beautiful bodies who are supposedly taking the diet pills. And the suggestion is that all they had to do was pop a pill and the fat magically melted off.

Of course it doesn’t work that way. And if you pay attention to the fine print (or whatever the announcer says really fast at the end of the commercial), you’ll see that the pill only works as part of a nutrition and exercise program.

Check it out: If you put in place a good nutrition and exercise program, then you probably don’t need the pill!

  • Are Supplements Safe?

If they’re dietary supplements (such as whey protein), then yes… they’re very safe. Basically, they’re just like food.

For all other supplements, you need to check the label and do your research. And if you’re taking any herbs, keep in mind that people who have allergies to things like ragweed may have allergic reactions to herbs.

See also  The 10 Best Supplements

That’s it for this time. Remember not to rely on the supplement and more on your own physical effort. Next time you’ll find out which supplements I do recommend. See you soon!