Dean Toriumi MD Highlights on the 4 Common Types of Rhinoplasty

By: JohnBarnes

There are many causes that individuals choose to go through rhinoplasty. For example, people consider nose jobs to reform their nose – whetheradding size to it, or reducing the size – and to repair injury caused by trauma. Yet, generally, there are four widespread kinds of rhinoplasty: Augmentation, reduction, cultural and post-traumatic rhinoplasties.

Do you know which kind you are considering? You possibly have a universal idea of what you would like to achieve with nasal surgery. But comprehending the diverse types will help you evaluate your options.

A Quick look at the four most ordinary types given by Dean Toriumi MD

  • Reduction Rhinoplasty

The majority of patients in search of rhinoplasty want to diminish the size of their nose, whether the size of the tip, the length of the bridge, or the breadth of the bridge. Most generally reduction rhinoplasty addresses strikes on the bridge of the nose, as well as diminishing the breadth of the nasal bridge. When your objective is to decrease particular areas of the nose, you will first meet with your rhinoplasty doctor like Dean Toriumi MD to consider your options. Then, your doctor will build up a surgical plan that is intended to meet your expectations.

  • Augmentation Rhinoplasty

Another widespread reason patients get a nose job is to augment dimensions of the nose. For instance, a patient may decide on this kind of procedure to broaden the bridge of the nose, or to enhance the projection of the tip. Augmentation is generally obligatory when the nose has undersized congenitally, or when damage has caused underdevelopment. In general, cartilage from the nose can be utilized to develop the nasal structure, yet sometimes cartilage must be implanted.

  • Ethnic Rhinoplasty
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Ethnic rhinoplasty is a word that is extensively used to illustrate a nose job that specific population groups experience to modify their natural nasal profile. For instance, some Far Eastern and USA populations look for a nose job to amend a softer nasal shape, a narrower bridge of the nose, or a wider bridge, which may be a widespread hereditary trait shared by the population. This requires skill and precision to correctly balance the nose to attain natural-looking facial regularity, and it is best to find a doctor with advanced specialization and training in ethnic rhinoplasty.

  • Post-Traumatic Rhinoplasty

The nose is one of the most frequently broken bones, and following an injury to the nose, the consequential damage to the bones and cartilage can change one’s appearance. Rhinoplasty is generally performed to repair wound caused by traumatic injury. In many instances, as Dean Toriumi MD states, a nose job is not obligatory, as the nose can be set non-surgically up to a month following the injury. Yet, surgery is often the only alternative for reversing the damage if the nose is not set quickly enough. One reason: Bleeding caused by injury can cause clotting within the nose, which can kill the bone. This loss of cartilage can cause deformation – a form that is usually known as ‘boxer nose’, which needs surgery to repair.